December 4, 2012

What the Future Holds

If you are a regular fan of DDD on the blog or on Facebook, it has probably seemed pretty silent from the outside. The truth is, God has been growing some amazing things in me as our family has expanded.
If you know me personally and have known me for awhile, you know that I have interests in all sorts of things. My 'passion' pre DDD was healthy cooking, nutrition, and fitness. Then it became nursery decor, then sewing, and really it just goes on. Some might say I'm a jack of all... In reality, over the years I have just been seeking and filling holes with 'things', skills, and busy work. Until recently, that is.
Almost daily I find myself giving out little jewels of knowledge- a crockpot recipe to a neighbor loaning me hers as a spare, business hopping advice to a friend with a new budding tshirt biz, hair advice to my son's teachers, etc. This is not to say that I know everything, by any means, but as my husband says, I have awesome "get it done" skills.

The truth is that being a woman, I am called first and foremost, to serve God, then my spouse and family. Over the past year, I have spent so much time sewing, keeping up with custom birthday orders, shopping for supplies, that I have wasted precious time that I could have been spending at home, playing with my kids, serving my husband, and spending time in the Word.  I can't count how many times I've been at the fabric store with both boys while I'd rather be at the park or late nights cutting out fabric when I would rather be reading the Bible with my precious husband.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE to sew, create, play with fabric, etc, but I also LOVE LOVE LOVE so many other things. I love finding new new activities for my kiddos. I love recipes, fashion, and home decor. I love learning new skills and then teaching them to others. I know, as women, we all love all these things, yes? And in being a woman, there is a special calling that God has on us and the place we take in our homes, ladies.
My goal, over time, is to transition DDD into a place that is a platform, sharing place, and circle for Godly, biblical women. I want to speak truth in your lives on your place and the special role you have as a woman. I want to share with you my heart, my desires, my likes, and my dislikes. I want to share with you all sorts of things that you will find useful in all areas, not just clothing for your kids. I want to give you inspiration for being a Godly woman, wife, mother, and friend.  I will serve God, my husband and family, and share tidbits of it with you as I go.